I accidentally shorted some GPIO pins which caused my pi 5 to immediately shut off. It boots up fine and there doesn’t seem to be any issues, but I’m still concerned I might’ve damaged something. I’m using an argon one v3 NVMe case with it. Can anyone else run this code (in the forum link) on their pi 5 with nothing connected to the GPIO so I can verify if something is wrong? I reassembled the pi in the case and ran the test again. Other GPIO pins were turning on and off as expected. I’m mostly keen on pin 4. If anyone can help me verify this, it would be greatly appreciated.
GPIO4 is in use for the communication between RPi5 and the MCU (RP2040). It’s the input pin as the back channel MCU → RPi5 to signal the power button events…There also some other pins of UART0 already in use and the pins for the I2C channel.
Maybe it could be freed if necessary, but I would not recommend.
If you have successully installed the argononed service via argon1.sh script and for example double tap at power button of the case is working as reboot, then your RPi5 hardware should be okay.
If available, use gpioinfo
to see more about the current pin reservation.
Using gpioinfo revealed more information regarding the pins as shown below:
But after rerunning the testgpio script it shows that pin 6 is “IN PULL DOWN: ERROR”. I checked out what pin 6 was and it is GND (ground), so I’m not sure how to interpret this.
Could you provide any insight into this because it wasn’t showing this until I reassembled the argon case. I did install the argon1.sh script and doubletapping the power button does reboot the system. Can someone run the code and see if there are any similarities? If anything, is this something I should be worried about?
Please be aware: PIN 6 != GPIO 06 !
GPIO 06 is PIN 31 at the J8 GPIO header.
pinctrl -p
could help to understand the current pin assignment better. It shows the current pin state including if an alternate function is active, but not which process/consumer depends on it.
You have reported that GPIO 06 cannot be pulled down, only when the RPi5 is mounted in the case.
Argon ONE V3 support additional modules like BLSTR DAC and UPS. Maybe the internal pcb is connected via PIN 31 to support that - I don’t know details.