RPI5, Libreelec + Kodi, ArgonV3-Case and Installation Scripts

Hi …

I have bought a RaspberryPi5 and the ArgonV3 case.

I have now installed it in the case, connected the keyboard, mouse and screen, enabled ssh and am accessing the Raspberry via ssh. The microSD card contains ‘Libreelec’ with the latest version of Kodi.

If I follow the commands in the instructions …

curl https://download.argon40.com/argon-eeprom.sh | bash


curl https://download.argon40.com/argon1.sh | bash

… I get error messages concerning ‘sudo’.

So i deleted the Sudo-prefixes (on libreelec you’re root by default) and launched the first script again: I get the error-Message “Please run this under Raspberry Pi OS”

How can I run the scripts and use my remote control?

Both scripts are not intended to use with a customized operating system like LibreELEC.

However, you have 2 other options to make the hardware settings correctly:

  1. you could use the argon-eeprom.sh script in combination with a Raspberry Pi OS to upgrade the bootloader to a recent version like 2024-08-14. The bootloader upgrade and the one-line configuration changes in the bootloader config/EEPROM will survive the subsequent switch to LibreELEC.

  2. make the necessary changes in the EEPROM manually, also in config.txt
    You need to add this line to bootloader config /EEPROM:
    via the rpi-eeprom-config --edit command
    and the following line to the end of your config.txt (e.g. in this way → Config.txt | LibreELEC.wiki)

I prefer option number 2.

For all other open points (remote control, fan control …) that you are missing, you can use the ArgonForty device configuration add-on from here:

Hello this ticket match perfectly with my need.

I’m new into linux admin. I tried option 2

  1. Update config.txt
    With some web support I succeeded. It is important to shift /flash folder from read to read and write. Process I used which worked for me :

1.1. mount -o remount,rw /flash
1.2. nano /flash/config.txt
1.3. add at the end of file : usb_max_current_enable=1
1.4. mount -o remount,ro /flash
1.5. reboot

2.About bootloader config /EEPROM updat
2.1 rpi-eeprom-config --edit
2.2 reboot

Finally, I follow instruction from

It works perfectly.

Many thanks to community.

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