RPi4+Libreelec 12. Argon One Case

Hi all. I have been using this case for years with my LE setup. Never a problem. I recently had to upgrade my LE to version 12. And ran into a situation, I never thought I would have. Not only there is no comprehensive installation script specifically for LE users (I managed to find the tools online). But I cannot get the fan control to work. Systemctl shows that the argononed.service fails to start (I read a million threads, but cannot find the culprit). As far as python - if directly started argononed.service fails with mention of failed RPi.O GPIO. Could someone perhaps create a step by step installation guide (with attached scipts) for LE users? It would be awesome and very much appreciated. As I am sure there are a number of LE users trying to make do with hundreds of posts on internet dated all the way to 2016 and not working anymore. Much obliged!

Please don’t use outdated scripts or add-on versions like ArgonRemote.zip (0.0.1) with LE10 and beyond.

All you need for LE12 can you find here:

Thank you SOOOOOO much!!

UPD. Downloaded zip from github, tried to follow the instructions on the github site, addon-browser in LE12 says it can’t install add-on because of the invalid folder structure. I messed around and found the build_package.sh attempts to create an addon zip file in ~/Documents/Argon40 folder which doesn’t exist (and cannot be created by the script). I created a new directory /storage/argon40, chmod(ed) it to 7777 (just for safety), modified build_package.sh to point at the new directory and ran the script again. Voila! The script created a zip file which installed perfectly by an add-on browser.

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Okay, that makes the difference. You have build your own package. Was not intended with my comment, but that’s nice. :grinning:

On the right side, there are release packages also available to download for direct use:

Maybe I should update the installation instructions to better direct to the release packages „libreelec_argondevice_x.x.x.zip“. :thinking:

I’d say for me - if it works, it works, I am happy and messing round with stubborn code etc., is something i do on daily basis (got quite a few linux machines around). But it would be great if you could just sum everything up in a pinned message with download links for specific machines and instructions. The case is excellent, btw, but not everyone can and will dive into bash scripts to debug the failures. Thanks for everything anyway!