Recently Ordered the BLSTR DAC

I recently ordered an BLSTR DAC and it is not yet showing shipped though I ordered it a week ago. I have contacted support via email but have not gotten any answer. My order number is #4963.

Thank you for any information you can give me on my order.

Brion L Davis

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This is the status page of the order. It has been this same status for a week and states the order is being readied. It does not indicate it has been shipped.

Give the order at least a week to update with tracking. 30 days to get the goods. Seems like a long time in the US, but the delivery is solid. We get used to 2-day shipping and realtime updates in the states. Do yourself a favor. Set a reminder 21 days after purchase…then chk the status. Patience.

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I understand that but their should be some kind of response. I ordered a a second one from Pi Hut specifying tracked and faster shipping via DHL Express. Amazingly the shipping cost more than the product. I will see how it performs and will use that for now on but will order more product if I am paying more than $30 for shipping. Argon 40 really needs a US distributor.

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I have the BLSTR DAC installed in my Pi5 V3 case and so far, no matter what I have tried, I cannot get a peep out of the 3.5mm socket… very disappointed so far…

Ignore my last reply. Got it working as it was a simple software switch!

I still have not gotten an update on this order and here it is nearly a week after I first posted this thread. The customer service of this company leaves much to desired when you don’t get an answer from customer support via e-mail or this forum.

The DAC finally arrived about a week ago. It is performing as expected.

How did you do this, i cannot get mine to work

The “software switch” that I was referring to is in the right-click context menu of the speaker icon in the task bar…

Just choose it and the jack will become live…

Thanks, it worked. was about the only thing i did’nt try.

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Makes sense when you think about it. There’s probably not a use-case scenario where you’d want both to be working simultaneously…