Is it possible to change the double tap or at least the short press behaviour?

Hi there,

I’ve an argon one pi 4 v2 with LibreElect installed. According to the manual the double tap reboots and the short press (<3s) do nothing. I would like to know if it is possible to achieve a soft shutdown and power cut (currently this happens with a long press (>= 3s) with the double tap… Or at least use the short press option to do it.

I’m trying to keep my kids from having to mentally count to 3 to turn off the device… Just double tap or at least a short press will be better!

Thanks for considering my request

Do you have a recent version (1.1.1) of ArgonForty Device Configuration add-on installed?

It would be possible to map the double tap to shutdown instead of reboot. But the short press is currently not signaled by the MCU inside of the Argon ONE case.
Also be aware: The long press signals the shutdown to the RPi4 via GPIO, but at the same time initiate a hard power cut after 10 seconds. This prevents a properly shutdown of LibreELEC. LE12 needs more than 10 seconds to stop the KODI processes.

To correct the 10 seconds timeout issue or to signal short press, a firmware update for the Argon ONE MCU would be needed. As this is not documented, it would need to be provided by Argon40.

Hi Harry, thanks for the info.

I’m sorry but I’m a noob… Are you saying that I should install the ArgonForty Device Configuration add-on? Is this something that I’ll be able to manage and configure directly from KODI? A place where easily I’ll be able to set the power behaviuor when pressing power button?

Thank you!

Hi Ivan,

to interpret the signals (via MCU) from the power button, a script or service needed at the operating system level. This is the task of this add-on. Additional its responsible for fan control of the Argon ONE case and provides the configuration files for the Argon REMOTE.
You can configure the fan settings and if the power button should be observed via GUI of the add-on, but currently not to remap the double tap.

Only after installation of this kind of add-on, double tap should trigger a reboot. Also you can use now the KODI menu to shutdown the system properly.

Because of the hard 10 seconds timeout of the MCU firmware, I like the idea to remap the shutdown sequence to double tap as an alternate. I think I will implement this as a selectable feature via GUI in the next version of the add-on.

Currently, if you have installed the add-on version 1.1.1, you only need change one line (line: 145) in file to map shutdown to double tap.

nano /storage/.kodi/addons/script.service.argonforty-device/resources/lib/

            if pulsetime >= 2 and pulsetime <= 3:
            elif pulsetime >= 4 and pulsetime <= 5:


            if pulsetime >= 2 and pulsetime <= 3:
            elif pulsetime >= 4 and pulsetime <= 5:

Please restart KODI afterwards to activate the changes.
systemctl restart kodi

Thank you!

It works smoothly! I really appreciate that this feature will be included within the KODI Addon GUI to avoid investigate how to save a file with nano :sweat_smile: Just kidding. I hope not to change this stuff never again!

Thank you again, you solve my concerns!

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Hi @devilakuma,

I have version 1.1.2 released today, with the option to reassign the double tab via add-on settings. :wink:

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