Fan of the Argon one m2

Where can I find the software for the fan of the Argon one m2.

You can find the manuals in here: Argon Resources
The links for the software will be in the corresponding manual.

Thanks, but how do I install the Ventilator software on the Argon one M2 if it has Home Assistant installed…?

Are you running Home Assistant OS or is it running in a container?

If HA OS you’ll need to track down an Argon specific solution on the HA site.

I do recall using it with the Argon 40 fan hat when i was running HA OS, but i moved to a container based setup.

Do you have a step-by-step plan on how I can install Argon one M2 with an operable fan HA in a container?

There is an addon that can provide fan control when running HomeAssistant. My blog post may be helpful: