I’m running dietpi 64bit - booting off an m.2. drive via a USB adaptor. I’ve done everything I can think of, made sure i2C is enabled, installed python and I’ve tried both both the standard argon script and NHHIKER’s custom script and nothing seems to get it going.
The OLED DOES flash the “Argon EON” logo and the fan runs briefly at power on. But that’s it.
So I went and installed Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64-bit instead and then installed your script.
The same issue, the OLED now works but the fan doesn’t at all. I tried setting it to “always on” but it never fires up.
It DOES spin up on a bootup so it is getting power etc.
You may want uninstall, then reinstall with the absolute latest as mentioned in my other post, As you can enable debugging and we can see a log of what is happening…
I would uninstall, reboot and install the new code.