Argon40 - Argon ONE v3 NVME Nightmare

First, I loved my Argon ONE m.2 I have for my RaPi 4. Thought I’d get same greatness with this new product.


I ordered my v3 NVME on Mar 30th. Wasn’t delivered until Apr 26th. Instantly determined something wasn’t right with my unit. Shot off message to Argon customer service, took a week to respond. back and forth for another week and was told things were being escalated, took another 4 days with hearing nothing back that I reached out again saying a replacement part was being sent and I’d be notified of shipment. Now it’s been 2 weeks of crickets.

A company should have a stash of working replacement parts or full units ready to go out the next day.


It’s sad because I know Argon40 has solid products. BUT their customer service, transparency, efficiency is SORELY lacking.

At this point I don’t want to even go through the refund/return process. Ill eat the $60 for this piece of trash before I spend any more time on it.

BUYER be warned. If you get one, and it works. Great. But if it doesn’t, good luck.

It’s been 2 months now from time of ordering, and I still don’t have a working product.