Argon One V3 won't power on with 27W power supply


So I’ve just got a official 27W power supply and every time i use it to power the V3 case it wont turn on however if I use the 15W it powers on as usual. If I power the raspberry pi on its own with 27W however it boots. Please help

The Argon ONE V3 Daughter Board is more tricky to connect and will need a bit more of the effort to fully connect because of the 3 leads (2 micro HDMI and 1 USB C). This is where most of the poor connections issues are coming from.

Next is you need to screw in internal screws also to avoid loose connection for the SIX PIN power connector, which loops the power between the Daughter Board and Power Board (which contains the RP2040 controller).

Then, the Power Supply connector needs to be properly connected as well.

Finally, EEPROM Config and config.txt settings must be in place, which you can do automatically by running both the and scripts via CURL as stated in the manual.



config.txt SETTINGS



That’s fixed the issue, thank you

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Same problem. Dead on arrival. Taken it apart and put it back together 3 times. No power.

I thought the same but I really had to put some power with the daughter board and after that it worked just jiggle it in if not yeah could be DOA

Yeah. That seem to have done the trick.

Just as I was about to aim the thing towards the trashcan, I decided to give it another go and I moved the power jumper from “default” to “always-on” and plugged it in. To my surprise it powered up. Then moved the jumper back to default and it seems like it was now powering up every time. I also really jammed the power board’s connectors into the Pi as far as I could, for good measure. Closed it all up and it now boots fine.

… but why such poor design on the SD card? I guess I should’ve paid more attention when ordering this case.

Yeah I don’t love the SD card position either the old position is soo much better

How do I edit the eeprom setting?

I can read the eeprom settings but not amend then!

$ sudo rpi-eeprom-config --edit
Add text, save - then reboot


Many thanks with the help with eeprom editing

Two points to consider

  1. I have a Pi5 fitted inside a Argon On V3 M.2 case along with 500 GB NVMe memory that powers up successfully from a Samasung Salaxy S23 power supply (but then complains of lack of power), but will not power up from the official Raspberry Pi 27 watt power supply.
    I have installed both Argon40 scripts and checked that the correct seetings have been changed.

2, I have another Pi5, not installed in a case, and it powers up successfully from the official Rasoberry Pi 27 watt power supply mentioned in No 1 (above), This proves that the 27 Watt power asupplly is not defective.

It appears that no one, in Argon40 or elsewhere, is able to offer me a work around for this problem so my question is this:

Can anyone recommend a suitable 5 amo power supply for the Argon One V3 M.2 case that acrually works. Otherwiase all I have in a nice looking but expensive piece of junk (the V3 case).

Can I get a refund for this case that is sold in a state that is not fully working according to the advertising blurb.

To add to my earlier posts.

Tp recap - Iknow the official Raspberry Pi 27 watt power supply works with my other Pi 4 and 5, when they are uncased but will not work with Pi 5 in an Argonone V3 M.2 case.

I have just purchsed a 27 watt Gan power supply which has the same spec as the Argon40 version of their27 watt Gan power supply.

Iested the poer supply omy two unacsed Pis and they both work OK with it. When connected to the Argonone V3 case with the Pi5 no power reaches thew Pi5.

As the Pi3 nad the Argon V3 case work OK (apoart from warnings re low power) it is obvious that it is the Argon V3 case and its setup that is the problem.

So it back to PiHut and a request for a full refund for selling me a product that is not fit for purpose.

I know some will say that I should persevere and keep searching for a solution but I disagree. I purchsed the V3 case on the basis that, if assembled and set up according to the instructions, it WILL WORK. I am a starightforward purchaser not a softare expert.

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Hello, thank you for your responsiveness, dear friend. I would appreciate it if you could answer my question as well.

I have bought the Argon One V3 M.2 case along with a Raspberry Pi 5 and assembled it exactly according to the necessary instructions. However, my problem is that the Argon case powers on with a regular 33W 5V 3A adapter and also with a 25W 5V 2A adapter. But it does not turn on with the original Raspberry Pi power supply. I even recently bought the original Argon case power supply, but it still does not power on with it.

So, I decided to power the Argon case with the regular adapters and install the operating system on the Raspberry Pi. I completed all the settings and configurations as you mentioned, but it still does not power on with the original Argon adapter.
Please help me. :pray:

Link to the purchased Argon case: Argon ONE V3 M.2 NVME PCIE Case – Argon 40 Technologies Web Store
Link to the purchased adapter: Argon PWR GaN USB-C PD Power Supply 27 Watts – Argon 40 Technologies Web Store