I have two argone one V2 caes with raspberry pi 4 2GB models used as Libreelec TV boxes. One is now failing with bad HDMI ports. The pi (removed from the case and connected directly) works fine with the existing cables. I plan further testing. My question is can the daughter board be purchased separately as a replacement or repair part. I am beyond the 3 month warranty period. Please email a response as I will not have time to track the forum.
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I have the same problem. Intermittent HDMI port. Can’t get it to work on the other port. So I need a replacement Daughter board!! I have contacted Argon support and received a few reply’s, more than a month ago. I sent in the purchase info and pics of the board as requested and nothing!! I would be willing to purchase a new board, but it isn’t listed anywhere separately that I can find.
Any ideas on how to get a new daughter board?