Argon One V2 case + RPi 4B idle CPU temperature

What CPU temperature (lm-sensors/sensors) are you experiencing idle with a V2 case + Pi 4B running Raspberry OS Lite (no desktop)?

I have 3 cases and the temperature varies from 40C to 46C, some cases consistently run cooler than other, I would assume is the Pi 4B, because all the cases have the exact same thermal compound (type and thickness) installed between the CPU and the case.

I have a couple of 8 GB Pi 4s running Ubuntu Server 24.04, one in an Argon ONE V2 and the other in an Argon ONE V2 M.2 SATA. Using sudo vcgencmd measure_temp I typically see temperatures like this when the systems are idle:

Argon ONE V2: 32 C
Argon ONE V2 M.2 SATA: 39 C

These systems are in different locations.

Thank you, what is your approximate room temperature at each location? Mine is between 25-27C

I’m not sure about the room temperatures. One is in a closet at home and the other is in an apartment several miles away. It is below freezing outside here this morning so the systems are probably cooler than usual.

Thank you, make sense