Argon One IR Remote Configuration Tool - Missing Option

I want to use the Argon Remote on a on Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspberry PI OS 64 bit.
The fan control works and the remote on/off button work. However, using the argonone-ir command, I do not see an option to configure the other buttons (“Configure Other Remote Buttons”). Do I need to change anything in the /boot/config.txt? The instructions say to enable power button first and then reboot, but this doesn’t change anything. Is this only supported for LibreElec/Kodi?

Argon One IR Configuration Tool
WARNING: This only supports NEC
         protocol only.
Press Y to continue:y
Thank you.

Select remote control to configure:
  1. Configure Remote ON/OFF Button
  2. Cancel
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I found a work around. Kodi can interact directly with the LIRC socket. So I made my own remote configuration via LIRC and can use the Remote with kodi that way. Any remote should work this way, not just the argon remote.