Argon Neo 5 doesn't recognize any SSD

OK, thanks for trying the instructions. But I’m also stumped as to why the settings revert to the defaults. I don’t know for certain if PCIE_PROBE=1 is still required by the latest firmware for NVMe to work, but maybe that’s the issue.

Thank you for your great help!

Unfortunately, the connection via PCIE still doesn’t work. I will have to complain about the case to the company.

Unbelievabel! Unbelievabel! Unbelievabel! It finally works. What crap!

I tested a few things again. Now the SSD M2 Samsung 970 EVO PLUS works. The WD SN850X probably has the wrong controller.

How much time has this madness cost me unnecessarily. But now I’m happy that it finally works. Without any settings in config.txt or eeprom-config…???

Thanks for everything!

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It’s a good news, it’s worth not to give up early. :+1:

Like I tried to said since beginning: with a recent bootloader + kernel versions, additional settings are not needed anymore and should be used for troubleshooting purposes only.

PS: After I have seen this photo: WD SN580 NVME installation on the ONE V3

I’m not surprised that the WD SN850X doesn’t work with the NEO 5. 3.3 VDC * 2 A = 6.6W. The flexible circuit board (cable) only supports a maximum current of 5 W.

I have the NEO 5 with a Samsung 980 nVme drive.

I g=have installed bookworm OS and then AdGuard Home and configured that - it all works well but after running for sometime the Nvme gets scorching hot as felt on the NVme heatsink on the bottom and the raspi5 stops responding and I cannot even SSH into it. I have to power off and reboot then the temp feels normal and works but then again gets scorching hot and stops responding.

I have reloaded several time and the same happens each time. I have now configured a uSD card am using that as a test to see what is going on.

What am I missing with this?