Argon EON for a server

Hey hey, i dont know a lot about network and the responding tech, and even less about network tech using a raspberry pi… i just wanted to ask; is it possible to use the argon eon just for a normal server? With the additional drive slots it provides? Or is there like tech that makes it only usable as a nas?
Thank u in advance

I think your question is a little vague. What do you consider to be a normal server? What functions are you hoping to achieve with the server?
My EON is running as a NAS drive as well as a plex media server in it’s current setup and I have plans to test if it can expand to host a couple of security cameras as well. The only restrictions on the unit are the computing power of a raspberry pi so if the pi can do it so can the EON but keep in mind the pi is a basic single board computer, it’s only capable of so much.

The Raspberry PI is a single board computer. When setup in the Argon-EON, that single board computer has 4 SSD’s attached, and can boot from an 5th device.

It’s still a computer… it has network, storage and memory… but as stated it is a Raspbery Pi and it does have limited computes.

You can make it do anything you want it to as long as there are sufficient resources to accomplish the job you want it to do…

More info on what you want would end up in a better answer :wink: